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Industry NewsCPMA applauds Loblaw's support for Grocery Code of Conduct

CPMA applauds Loblaw’s support for Grocery Code of Conduct

The Canadian Produce Marketing Association is applauding Loblaw’s recent decision to support Canada’s Grocery Code of Conduct. 

“We are delighted that Loblaw has committed to be part of this Code,” says Ron Lemaire, CPMA president. “As a founding member of the initial Working Group struck to develop the code and member of the new Interim Board, CPMA has been actively collaborating with all stakeholders in the Code’s development and will continue to do so to support its implementation across the supply chain.” 

“We welcome the news that Loblaw has agreed to participate in the Grocery Code of Conduct,” says Michael Graydon, chair of the Grocery Code of Conduct Interim Board. “Within a very complex food system, the vision for the Code has always been based on a fully inclusive, voluntary Code, developed by the grocery industry and managed by its stakeholders across the supply chain. Today’s announcement by Loblaw brings us one step closer to the implementation of the Code as we continue to work with all industry partners to ensure we have maximum participation.”

The CPMA has long supported the creation of the code and believes it promotes transparency and fair dealings as products move across the supply chain.

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