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Industry News2025 CPMA trade show nearly sold out

2025 CPMA trade show nearly sold out

The CPMA has announced that its 2025 trade show is 90 per cent sold out. The organization says the remaining exhibit space for CPMA 2025 Fresh Week is on sale on a first-come, first-serve basis. The event will take place April 8-10, 2025. at the Palais des congrès de Montréal, in Montreal. It will feature over 650 booths representing more than 300 companies from around the world, including major growers, importers and exporters.

“We are looking forward to reconnecting with industry members once again in Montreal,” says Ron  Lemaire, CPMA president. “This year’s event will be even more special as we will not only provide members with exceptional education, networking, and business development opportunities but also celebrate the organization’s 100 years of supporting the growth of the produce industry.

To learn more about the event, visit the CPMA’s website.

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